Hundreds of design changes cause 15-month construction delay.
The firm represented the general contractor in its pursuit of its contract balance, a time extension, and time-related and extra-work costs. Over 2000 RFIs and 700 changes to the project design during construction resulted in a 15-month delay to a $125 million public work of improvement, which was originally to be completed in just over two years.
Rigorous analysis and A compelling defense result in $13 million settlement.
The owner refused to provide any time extension or pay time-related and extra-work costs, exposing the contractor to millions of dollars in liquidated damages and subcontractor claims. Following a thorough analysis of project documents, the firm and its consultants prepared a compelling argument for owner liability, and negotiated a time extension and $13 million in additional compensation for the firm’s client.
Counsel: P. Randolph Finch Jr., Andrea L. Petray, and Thomas E. Diamond