Presented by Louis J. Blum, Esq. and Nowell A. Lantz, Esq.
The construction industry is ripe with hurdles and pitfalls that can make the unwary forfeit his or her right to get paid. The multitude of rights and obligations, including lien claims, stop notices, bond claims, contractual notice provisions, alternative dispute provisions, and statutory claim requirements can make your head spin. In a relationship-driven business, this class will provide an overview of the various rights and discuss how to most effectively present and resolve your claims.
Learning Objectives/Outcomes?
- Know how to avoid jeopardizing project relationships when a claim arises
- Learn what options you have on the timing of a claim
- Know the claim rights of a subcontractor
- Know the claim rights of a prime contractor
- Understand the value of prompt resolution of claims
Who Should Attend?
Risk Managers, Project Managers, Contracts Administrators and In-house Counsel
To reserve your seat at this informative legal seminar, click the button below to access AGC San Diego’s registration page.